What We Do

We have served Uganda for the last four years.
John served at the church's operations director and then re-opened Calvary Chapel Bible College Uganda in 2014.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

How to get a PO Box in Uganda - In Four Easy Steps.

There is no residential mail delivery in Uganda, so everyone has a PO Box.  Getting a PO box is easier said than done.  Here is my experience.

Trip #1 to the post office.  Posta Uganda’s Kampala office is located in the heart of downtown Kampala.  That area is typically jammed with traffic, so getting there is difficult at best.  In trying to get to Kampala’s post office, I unknowingly made an illegal U-turn.  There was no sign indicating that it was actually illegal, but that didn't matter.  I was pulled over by the traffic police who first gave me the opportunity to pay him bribe or receive a citation.  That policeman turned me over to his supervisor who gave me a stern lecture.  After some quick prayer, I got way without paying a bribe or receiving a citation.  Whew!
But after that came the difficulty of finding a parking space.  The traffic was intense, but we finally found an open spot.  Too bad it was parallel parking on a steep incline.  Suffice it to say, the locals got some entertainment at my expense.  After all that, I got into the Posta Uganda office and found the correct line.  I expected that we could just walk into the post office and get a PO Box the same day.  How naïve we were.  The postal worker handed me the application form and highlighted the requirements for two copies of my ID, three passport-size photos, and the signature someone who already had a PO Box (as a reference for good character, perhaps?).

Trip #2 to the post office.  We acquired some passport-size photos and other application requirements.  Remembering my previous driving and parking experiences, I took a taxi.  In the post office I presented the paperwork to the clerk.  We could get the PO box today, right?  No, naïve again.  The postal worker told me to return the next day after 10am.

Trip #3 to the post office.  The rain was heavy, and we got stuck in a traffic jam a few blocks from the post office.  After about 20 minutes of being at a standstill, I decided to walk even though the rain was bad.  Almost all the Ugandans had the sense to stay dry under awnings.  I just wanted my PO box, and getting soaked was not that important.  Lily and the kids waited in the car (and for traffic to move again).  I thought I knew where the post office was.  I was wrong, and I was now lost in downtown Kampala.  Thankfully, I found the church (it's on William Street), and climbed up to its offices on the fourth floor.  One of the church workers walked me over to Posta Uganda, and I was grateful for his help.  The postal worker took my money and issued me my PO box number.  Hurray!  After three trips to the post office I was done.  Right?  No, naïve again.  The postal worker said I’d have to come back in 3 weeks to receive the key to my PO box.

Trip #4 to the post office looks to be fruitful and the end of this PO box ordeal.  Of course, that may be naïve.

Learning how to live here and adapt,
John Eastham,  new (and naive) missionary to Uganda

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